At our school we value the work of volunteers and are very grateful to them for their contribution. If you are able to volunteer some time at the school, you would be most welcome.
Some activities in which volunteers participate include:
* listening to children read - we provide parent training to assist you in this task
* art and craft activities
* physical education activities
* music activities
* book covering for the library
* tuckshop
* P and C activities
* working bees to beautify our grounds
Volunteers who do not have a child at the school must complete an application for suitability. Part 6 of the Commission for Children and Young People Act 2000 requires a person (over the age of 18) seeking to work with children under the age of 18 in a voluntary capacity, to undergo a screening process based on his or her criminal history, to determine the person's suitability to work in child-related employment. Forms for completion are available from the office.
All volunteers at our school are expected to meet a minimum standard of behaviour whilst working in our school. Please take some time to peruse our volunteer code of conduct. Should you be unable to download the document from this page, please contact us and we will provide a copy via the school office.
All volunteers are asked to sign in at the office prior to moving to classrooms. You will be issued with a volunteer badge to wear whilst in the school.
Your involvement in your child's schooling and education will assist your child's success at our school.