Teachers at Bray Park State School embark on rigorous reflection to ensure that their classroom programs:
are connected to the real world
provide high intellectual quality
recognise differences in students and groups
are provided in a safe, supportive environment
Activities provided are purposeful and relevant, and are designed to stimulate action, reflection and enjoyment. We aim to create learning experiences that connect with what students already know and then extend that knowledge through intellectually stimulating and challenging work.
As we continue through the 21st century, our teachers remain focused on grounding students with a sound understanding of the traditional basics whilst at the same time grappling with the need to prepare students for a future in a world that is rapidly changing.

Australian curriculum
All curriculum areas at Bray Park State School are
informed by the Australian Curriculum.
The Australian Curriculum is designed to develop:
It sets the goal for what all students should learn
as they progress through their school life – wherever they live in Australia
and whatever school they attend. The Australian Curriculum, with its eight
learning areas, provides a modern curriculum for every student in Australia.
Included in the content of learning areas are seven general capabilities
intended to help prepare young Australians to learn, live and work in the 21st century. There are three
cross-curriculum priorities that are also a focus across the learning areas.
The Australian Curriculum includes the following
learning areas:
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- HASS – Humanities and Social
Sciences (History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship, Business and
- The Arts – music, dance,
drama, media arts and visual arts
- HPE – Health and Physical
- Design and Digital
Technologies (from 2020)
- Languages
– (at BPSS - French – Years 5 and 6)