Bray Park State School works closely with the local community. We have a strong P&C Association and many close ties with local businesses and community groups.
The Bray Park State School community also has a formally constituted School Council appointed eash year. It is comprised of:

Our Sister School
Through the efforts of Councillor Mick Gillam and Mr Len Matthews from th Pine Rivers National Serviceman Association, Bray Park State School has established a sister-school relationship with the St Nicholas CEVA Primary School in England.
St Nicholas school is in a small village called Cottesmore in Rutland, England. The graves of twenty Royal Australian Air Force men (19 Australians and 1 New Zealander) have been located near this school site.
Each year, the Bray Park School community honours Servicemen who paid the ultimate sacrifice through our school ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day ceremonies. For the last two years, our school has made wreaths on ANZAC Day and have sent them to England for the St Nicholas students to lay at the graves of the Australian Servicemen on Remembrance Day. The St Nicholas students have also made wreaths to add as their own tribute on Remembrance Day.
Mrs Ray, from St Nicholas school, writes:
"As a school, St Nicholas CEVA Primary have always felt very honoured to be asked to lay the wreaths on the serviceman's graves. Your pupil's creative spirit has travelled around the world. We could tell a lot of thought and care had gone into the making of these tributes."
In 2014, a large stone and commemoration plaque bearing the names of the fallen RAAF servicemen will be positioned on the Bray Park school grounds.
Our Bray Park State School community is honoured to be able to support the National Servicemen Association in ensuring that the fallen are never forgotten.